Monday, April 11, 2011

Customer searches with few hits - week 13 and 14

Selected customer searches with less than 200 hits week 13 and 14 2011:

empty store
bunnies (easter bunnies)
Control Center
alarm system
floor plan

Keywords in bold have been used numerous times and have always been in demand

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Images is sometimes fresh goods

Sometimes, images are interesting for only a short period, or at least the sales potential are higher for a limited number of days. Examples are images from nature disasters, sports events or incidents with interest across i.e. the whole of Europe. If you have uploaded images from such an incident, and want us to review them at once, we need to know. Therefore, send us an e-mail about your images, and we'll push the images first in the review queue.

 Photo: Carolina K. Smith, M.D / ScanStockphoto / Image 738841